We have developed our Transparent Database Engine for those merchants who collect and/or store all their customers' information. Most uses for this are automated billings.

By using this method the merchant can process the transaction from their website to us without their customer seeing it. The customer never leaves the merchant's website.

Any merchant using these methods should use a Secure Certificate to ensure the information is secure.

For this method the items that must be passed to the Transparent Database Engine are as follows.

Post URL: https://secure.quantumgateway.com/cgi/tqgwdbe.php

Recurring Help PDF
API PDF - Last update July 3rd, 2010

NOTE: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode can not be used with the transparent form. Please use the QGWdatabase Engine instead.

Sample Responses

Response Sequence: Transaction Status, Auth Code, Transaction ID, AVS Response, CVV2 Response, Maxmind Score, Decline Reason, Decline Error Number
"DECLINED","019452","652145","N","N","0.6","INVALID EXP DATE","205"

Sample Code

We offer a few examples of PHP and Perl source code to help developers integrate with our Transparent Database Engine.