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Joomla Virtuemart

Quantum Gateway Transparent DB Engine
Instructions for installation


1. Requirements.
2. Uploading
3. Configuration
4. Notes



1.1. You need a working installation of Joomla or Mambo in your server
1.2. You need a working installation of Virtuemart inside Joomla or Mambo
1.3. Download the file virtuemart-joomla-tqgwdbe.zip
1.4. An unzip utility like Winzip



2.1. Extract the contents of the virtuemart-joomla-tqgwdbe.zip file to an
empty folder in your computer. Extract it by using your favorite unzip application.

2.2. Upload the contents (all files and folders) of the created folder to your joomla/mambo installation root at your server.

ie: https://www.yoursite.com/your_joomla_or_mambo_installation/

If the server ask you to replace a languages.php file, do it with confidence.

2.3. Set writable permissions for file ps_tqgwdbe.cfg.php
This file is located at:


chmod 666



3.1. Login to your Joomla/Mambo admin interface with your admin username and password
3.2. Click the "VirtueMart" Link under the "Components" menu.
3.3. Click the "List Payment Methods" icon.
3.4. Click the "New" icon (on the upper right).

3.5. Options:
3.5.1. Check the "Active?" checkbox
3.5.2. "Payment Method Name". Fill it with whatever you want this payment method to be displayed to your customers. ie: Credit Card.
3.5.3. "Code": Fill it with "TQGW" without the quotes.
3.5.4. "Payment class name": Fill it with "ps_tqgwdbe" without the quotes-
3.5.5. "Payment method type": Select "Use Payment Processor".
3.5.6. "Accepted Credit Card Types": Select the credit card types you want to accept
3.5.7. "Shopper Group": leave it as is
3.5.8. "Discount": Change it if you want to make a discount to customers using this payment method.
3.5.9. "List Order": Set the order on how do you want this payment method to be displayed yo your customers.

3.6. Click the "Save" icon (upper right).

3.7. Click the newly created payment method.

3.8. Click the configuration tab

3.9. Fill the options with your Quantum Gateway data. Restrict Key is optional, is only required if you have configured it at Quantum.

3.10. Click the "Save" icon (upper right).

3.11. Start using Quantum Gateway with Virtuemart and Enjoy!



1. This module has only been tested on the following configuration:

Joomla Version: 1.0.13 stable
Virtuemart version: 1.0.13a

This does not mean that it won't work in another configuration or under Mambo. Please test it.