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Version 4

There is no direct API or Module for this version from Modern Bill. However you can simply change the URL in the Authorize.net module.

  1. Open the mod_functions.inc.php file located in the include/misc/mod_authorizenet folder in your Modern Bill installation with your favorite editor.
    Scroll down to about like 58 till you see
    case 'authorize': $url = "https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll"; break;
    Change this to
    case 'authorize': $url = "https://secure.quantumgateway.com/cgi/mbT.php"; break;

    Upload the file
  2. Now log into your Modern Bill
  3. Click on Tools and then 'System Config'
    Under Payment Settings click on Gateway Modules
    Click on the Edit link next to Authorize.net (stable)
    Set Your Login ID : This is your Gateway Login
    Set Your Login Password : This is your RestrictKey if you elected to enable this in the Processing Center of the Gateway.
  4. Click on Save Settings button and you are now ready to use Quanum Payment Gateway.

Version 5 (click here for the screenshot)

  1. Download this file - mb5_quantum.zip
    Unzip the file and then upload the quantum.php file into the
    lib-mbapi/include/modules/gateway/ folder of your Modern Bill V5 Installation
  2. Now log into your Modern Bill and follow the directions in ModernBill Manual: https://manual.modernbill.com on how to Add or Change a gateway
  3. When you are editing the Quantum configuration
    the TRANS_QUANTUM_LOGINID: is your Gateway Login
    the TRANS_QUANTUM_PASSWORD: is your RestrictKey (if you have elected to use it)